Art Of Living Short Kriya

  1. Art Of Living Short Kriya Count
  2. Art Of Living Short Sudarshan Kriya
  3. Art Of Living Short Kriya

Sudarshan Kriya came into being in 1982 in Shimoga, India, when global humanitarian, spiritual figure, and Art of Living founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar went into a ten-day silence. “I had already traveled around the world. I had taught yoga and meditation. But still, I was concerned about how to help people live a happy life. 3 step pranayam: First of all, sit in vajrasana. First step - Hands on hip bone. Breath in till 4 count, hold breath till 4 count, breath out till count 6, hold breath for 2 counts. Do this for total 8 times. Second step - Hands parallel t. Sudarshan Kriya is a good therepatic technique but to evolve spiritually sudarshan kriya may not be very useful. It can be useful for removal toxins from body, stress removal which help to maintain peace. As I had shared in an answer to a similar question already, think about the following: What would happen if a person who has never seen, smelled or tasted an ice-cream or any picture, etc of it would hear about something called ice-cream and asked. Art of living Breathing techniques: Ujjayi Pranayama: Ujjayi means Victory breath Bhastrika Pranayama (with Tribandas in Brahma Mudra while retaining Breath – root lock, stomach lock and anus lock – In Advanced Course) Chanting OM three times Sudharshan Kriya (Long / Short).

Basic Course – Principles

AOL course teaches the timeless spiritual principles like being in the present moment, accepting everyone and accepting all situations, not being carried away by other’s opinions and not to resist things but accept things as they are.

The four main principles of Art of living are

Present Moment is inevitable

This is one of the first principles and it has been spoken about by all the great teachings from the Buddhist to new age. The art of living teacher keeps repeating ‘What’s happening now’ every few minutes to drive home the point of coming to the present moment. For a better understanding of being in the present moment read ‘The power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle. Also read the discourses of Osho Rajneesh and J Krishnamurthi to have a good understanding and practice of this aphorism. In fact many of the AOL teachers do not understand the purport of being in the moment and just get a lot confused while explaining this.

Art Of Living Short Kriya

Expectations reduce the Joy

Expectation is futuristic and will make us get out of the present moment.

Accept everyone and every situation as they are

This is an important spiritual teaching taught in many different spiritual schools. It is important to understand that we should not blame people for all the ills plaguing us. There is also no point just going on about the negative qualities of people. Instead if we accept people as they are our miseries caused by our prejudiced and biased opinions will subside and we will feel calmer and more composed. A calmer and composed mind creates a relity which is also peaceful.

What you resist persists

Art Of Living Short Kriya Count

We become fixated on things we resist and hate. Prevent this from happening by awareness.

Don’t be a football of other’s opinion

Be on your own and don’t worry too much about what the other people think about you. Most people don’t have time to think about others and they all will be thinking about what other people are thinking of them.

Art Of Living Short Sudarshan Kriya

Smile and be unconditionally happy

Art Of Living Short Kriya

Even if it is artificial initially it will become second nature after some time. Fake it till you make it.