Teraterm Logopen

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TeraTerm 2008.2.29 (Ver 4.58) - Rotating the mouse wheel would supersede the cursor key when the application cursor mode is enabled. added TranslateWheelToCursor entry in teraterm.ini file. The default value is on. added the configuration entry to whether 'New Connection' dialog is shown on TeraTerm startup. Tera Term マクロを始めて使ってみたので、その時のメモ。やりたいこと - ・サーバにログイン ・ログの取得 ・コマンド発行 ( 簡単に 'ls -la' あたりで ) - 以下がマクロになる。; サーバ、ユーザ情報 myserver = '' username = 'root' password = 'XXXXXXX' msg = myserver strconcat msg ':22 /ssh /auth=password /user. なお、logopen した後で、ファイル名(logfile)を作成しているように見えますので、ファイル名を作成した後に logopen するように修正してください。 (参照) Tera Term ヘルプ:logopen.

Bases on stack overflow article logging - Change log file name of teraterm log you can add timestamp in the long, which is mandatory if you open several terminals with logging.

I would like to change the default log file name of teraterm terminal log. What I would like to do automatically create/append log in a file name like 'loggedinhost-teraterm.log'

I found following ini setting for log file. It also uses strftime to format log filename.

I have modified it to include date.

Is there any way to prefix hostname in logfile name

Fox eg,

Romme ,

I had the same issue, and was able to solve my problem by adding &h like below;

; Default Log file name. You can specify strftime format to here. LogDefaultName=teraterm &h %d %b %y.log ; Default path to save the log file. LogDefaultPath=C:UsersLogs ; Auto start logging with default log file name. LogAutoStart=on


'Log' tab

View log editor

Specify the editor that is used for display log file

Default log file name(strftime format)

Specify default log file name. It can include a format of strftime.



Log and replay functions

Teraterm Log Open Error

You can save the host data to the file if you use Tera Term logging function.

Log to the file

You can log characters received from the host. Execute the [File] Log command to start logging.

Do in the following commands:

  1. Do [File] Log command.
  2. 'Tera Term: Log' dialog box will be shown.

    Input the saving file name to `File Name:'.
    All host data will be written to the file if you check `Binary' option.
    KANJI, CR and LF codes are converted to host character code, written to the file if you uncheck `Binary' option. However, the escape sequences are not written to the file.
    The host data will append the file if you check `Append' option.
    The host data will overwrite the file if you uncheck `Append' option.

  3. Push OK button, 'Tera Term: Log' icon will be shown. And logging will start.
  4. Push Close or Pause button on the logging dialog box if you finish the logging or temporarily stop. Pause button will change into Start button if you push Pause button, the logging will restart.

To browse log files, which contain escape sequences, it is convenient to use the replay function of Tera Term. To replay a log file.

Replay the log file

Run Tera Term with command line in the following:

Tera Term analyzes the specified log file and understands the escape sequence datas. If so, the contents of log file will be displayed in Tera Term window as if the characters were received from the host. We call this function 'replay log'.

And also, you can also use 'Host:' on the [File] New connection command.


  • 20200412 : logging - Change log file name of teraterm log - Stack Overflow ( Apr 12, 2020 , stackoverflow.com )
  • 20200412 : logging - Change log file name of teraterm log - Stack Overflow ( Apr 12, 2020 , stackoverflow.com )
  • 20141120 : Logging must be per line not per character ( TeraTerm Support Forums )
  • 20141120 : logpause ( logpause, )

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[Apr 12, 2020] logging - Change log file name of teraterm log - Stack Overflow

Apr 12, 2020 | stackoverflow.com

Change log file name of teraterm logAsk Question Asked 4 years, 8 months ago Active 10 months ago Viewed 5k times

pmverma ,

I would like to change the default log file name of teraterm terminal log. What I would like to do automatically create/append log in a file name like 'loggedinhost-teraterm.log'

I found following ini setting for log file. It also uses strftime to format log filename.

I have modified it to include date.

Is there any way to prefix hostname in logfile name

Fox eg,

Teraterm Logopen 保存されない

Romme ,

I had the same issue, and was able to solve my problem by adding &h like below;

; Default Log file name. You can specify strftime format to here. LogDefaultName=teraterm &h %d %b %y.log ; Default path to save the log file. LogDefaultPath=C:UsersLogs ; Auto start logging with default log file name. LogAutoStart=on

> ,


'Log' tab

View log editor

Specify the editor that is used for display log file

Default log file name(strftime format)

Specify default log file name. It can include a format of strftime.



[Apr 12, 2020] logging - Change log file name of teraterm log - Stack Overflow

Apr 12, 2020 | stackoverflow.com

Change log file name of teraterm logAsk Question Asked 4 years, 8 months ago Active 10 months ago Viewed 5k times

pmverma ,

[Nov 20, 2014] Logging must be per line not per character

TeraTerm Support Forums

Post subject: Re: TeraTerm Logging must be per line not per character

Mar 07, 2012 5:26 am

I have been using TeraTerm for last 3 years now. I am using version 4.69 currently.

I have to always log everything I do while testing the products I works on. So I turn on logging in TeraTerm.

I have one problem with TeraTerm Logging. When I mis type the command on my product and press backspace to cancel it, TeraTerm logs even that in the log file. This confuses me a lot when I go thru the logs.

I think TeraTerm must log only after user has pressed 'Enter' key. This will have clean log file.

Is there anyway TeraTerm logging can be per line.. rather than per character?

Appreciate your help as this is very important issue for me.



Joined: Wed Jul 26, 2006 4:47 am
Posts: 423
Location: UK

A lot of us certainly would not want the logging to change like this so if it were implemented it should be a configurable item.


Causes Tera Term to pause logging.

Received characters are discarded while logging is paused.


reading data from telnet session


Post subject: reading data from telnet session

Jun 04, 2014 12:45 pm


My telnet server is having some text which scrolling continuously, how can i copy the text to my local computer. simply how can I read server data in telnet session?




Joined: Wed Jul 26, 2006 4:47 am
Posts: 423
Location: UK

Turn logging on maybe?
Click 'File' -> 'Log'


I got some solution

while result=1
filewriteln file inputstr

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Last modified: April, 12, 2020

'Vim syntax file
'Language: TeraTerm Macro Language(ttl)
ifversion < 600
synkeywordttlStatement goto call end include return call execcmnd exit pause mpause
synkeywordttlRepeat for next while endwhile
synkeywordttlRepeat do loop break untile enduntil
synkeywordttlConditional if then elseif else endif
synkeywordttlOperator and not or xor
' system variables
synkeywordttlArgument param1 param2 param3 param4 param5 param6 param7 param8 param9 paramcnt
synkeywordttlArgument groupmatchstr1 groupmatchstr2 groupmatchstr3 groupmatchstr4 groupmatchstr5
synkeywordttlArgument groupmatchstr6 groupmatchstr7 groupmatchstr8 groupmatchstr9 matchstr
synkeywordttlArgument result timeout mtimeout inputstr
synkeywordttlImplicit bplusrecv bplussend changedir clearscreen closett
synkeywordttlImplicit connect disconnect enablekeyb flushrecv gettitle
synkeywordttlImplicit kmtfinish kmtget kmtrecv kmtsend loadkeymap logclose
synkeywordttlImplicit logopen logpause logstart logwrite quickvanrecv quickvansend
synkeywordttlImplicit recvln restoresetup send sendbreak sendfile sendkcode
synkeywordttlImplicit sendln setecho setsync settitle showtt testlink unlink
synkeywordttlImplicit wait waitevent waitln waitrecv xmodemrecv xmoddemsend
synkeywordttlImplicit zmodemrecv zmodemsend
synkeywordttlImplicit code2str int2str str2code str2int strcompare strconcat
synkeywordttlImplicit strcopy strlen strscan
synkeywordttlImplicit fileclose fileconcat filecopy filecreate filedelete
synkeywordttlImplicit filemarkptr fileopen fileopen filereadln filerename
synkeywordttlImplicit filesearch fileseek fileseekback filestrseek filestrseek2
synkeywordttlImplicit filewrite filewriteln findfirst findnext findclose
synkeywordttlImplicit getdir makepath setdir
synkeywordttlImplicit delpassword getpassword passwordbox
synkeywordttlImplicit beep closesbox exec getdate getenv gettime inputbox messagebox
synkeywordttlImplicit setdate setdlgpos setexitcode settime show statusbox yesnobox
' new ttl commands
synkeywordttlImplicit callmenu cygconnect dispstr gethostname loginfo scprecv scpsend
synkeywordttlImplicit sendbroadcast sendlnbroadcast sendmulticast setbaud setdebug setdtr
synkeywordttlImplicit setmulticastname setrts wait4all waitn waitregex ymodemrecv ymodemsend
synkeywordttlImplicit expandenv sprintf sprintf2 strinsert strjoin strmatch strremove
synkeywordttlImplicit strreplace strspecial strsplit strtrim tolower toupper
synkeywordttlImplicit basename dirname filelock fileread filestat filetruncate fileunlock
synkeywordttlImplicit foldercreate folderdelete foldersearch getfileattr setfileattr
synkeywordttlImplicit ispassword setpassword
synkeywordttlImplicit clipb2var crc32 crc32file filenamebox getspecialfolder getttdir getver
synkeywordttlImplicit ifdefined intdim random rotateleft rotateright setenv strdim var2clipb
ifversion < 508
let did_ttl_syntax_inits =1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hidef link <args>
HiLink ttlStatement Statement
HiLink ttlLabel Label
HiLink ttlConditional Conditional
HiLink ttlRepeat Repeat
HiLink ttlOperator Operator
HiLink ttlArgument Identifier
HiLink ttlString String
HiLink ttlComment Comment
HiLink ttlImplicit Function
delcommand HiLink
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